Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The End of the Work Week

Week one of my internship is done. It's finished. Four more to go. And I can honestly say I have enjoyed the majority of it. I really love being in a school and getting to know the students personally. I'm looking forward to going back next week. Next week I will be assisting with geography course work all week. We will see how that goes. I also got invited to staff dinners and celebrations. I feel so included. haha.

So, today.  I started with my homeroom that I was running on my own today. I met the teacher in the hallway and she handed me the register sheet along with a few other tasks she needed me to do. Oh hey, great. So I went in, and was met by the fifteen or so boys. They were surprisingly good. Some boys were really good at hushing the others. But we managed to get through the attendance, and I succeeded with my other tasks. A boy named Aaron was quickly to correct my pronunciation of his delicate name. I also called soccer, football which got their attention. However, I do believe I can handle them next week. Success. Did I mention they have a Head Boy?! Just like in Harry Potter! And my homeroom's head boy looks like a Weasley twin without the red hair!

And here we go with the school day:

Period One:
I started out with year ten students in an english class. I had to walk to the other building, but it was quite lovely out. The class was very well behaved, and I'm convinced it is because they are older. In class they were learning about women getting the voting right. We learned about the different suffragist movements and how different events helped or hurt their cause. The student I was meant to assist was not there, so I helped ensure the others were doing their work properly. Nothing too exciting happened. There was another young girl there observing, and come to find out she is going to be teaching there in the fall.

Period Two:
I had a free period today so I sat in the library in case any teachers needed aid or whatever. No one came except a child taking a test. I'm a smart one, so I brought my Kindle and sat and read. I did ask the librarian why there is a fifteen minute break between classes, especially with the chaos that ensues. As I suspected, it was to allow students to walk between the buildings.

Period Three:
This period I had year nine geography and a few of the students were in my homeroom. One of the boys was very friendly and recognized me and asked "Miss, are you joining our lesson?" So precious. I also pinpointed a student who looked like he was "too cool for school." And he fit that description quite well in class. They were learning about the Olympics and had to do research on geographical changes the Olympics may bring, so they were using computers. My job was to make sure people could figure out the computer and help with the worksheet. So off I went helping children. I don't know if they aren't as technologically savvy, but they were typing in the web address to google and not the normal place. But I walked around and felt like I was helping a lot and got to answer to "miss" again. I also talked with a girl about Justin Bieber. Apparently he's going to leave Selena and come to her. She's sure of it. I told her Harry was going to come to me, so I understood where she was coming from. I did enjoy that class a lot, and that age group. I've most definitely decided that the high school age is better for me.

Period Four:
Dear Lucy, this is for you. My next assignment was for drama, so I was quite excited. We took the year six kids (the ones that I had all day on Monday, who were crazy, and included Tom Riddle) to the drama building to rehearse for their play this afternoon. The children had written the play themselves and were acting it out. It was precious. They did so well and had re-written lyrics to songs like "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" and "We Go Together." So stinking cute. So I mainly watched, but loved every minute. I really wish I could have stayed past the period to watch more. So dear Lucy, this is where your part begins. As we were walking I noticed there was a younger male teacher walking with us. Turns out he is the music teacher and he is quite cute. Hehe. Don't get your hopes up kid!

Period Five:
I went back to geography this period but with year sevens. I also had the same teacher and she's so sweet! I hadn't met any of them so I was excited. They were also a good class and were learning about ecotourism and mass tourism. I was assigned to a boy who was new to the English language, so I was to aid him. (I don't really know why I am being placed with students who speak different languages. I mean, I only speak one. But I'll take these challenges.) Basically, he doesn't really understand the language so he doesn't pay attention. Therefore, I have to re-tell him the instructions and work him through things. He seemed a bit apathetic but we managed to do the work. They also got their exams back and they have a weird grading scale here. A 70% is an A. I don't even know.

A few more thoughts: Although I had not expected to be really working with the students with language barriers or learning disorders, I have really enjoyed it so far. Part of me is wondering if I should begin to supplement my personal education with classes about kids with different needs. A counselor would be working with these particular students, so it may be helpful to have credentials that show I am capable of that. Just some developing thoughts. It's gonna take some research.

So, that was my first week! So exciting! For the rest of the week I have class, so there will be more pictures in my posts. Peace and blessings.

Week Three: Day Three: Internship 4

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